Sunday, 2 November 2014


Social Justice Actions!

Part A:  Great discussion on Oct. 30th!  Terrific ideas!  Our class came to the decision that we will pursue the following three projects as priorities (with any number of other actions that we can fit in):

ACTION #1:  You(th) Vote! awareness/information campaign
(begin clubs in three schools; challenge other schools; set up with Socials teachers for preliminary vote prior to awareness campaign)

·      WHY does voting in a democratic election matter?
·      HOW can you convince people that it will make a difference if they vote?
·      The sites below offer critiques of democracy; makes you wonder if we DO need to vote, so view/read them, please!

This is the Elections Canada site, which provides information and ideas to engage young voters.  A good place to start:

This is a link to a 2011 study on young voters in Canada.  Worth a read.

This is a link to the Library of Parliament document on trends in voting by Canadian youth:

ACTION #2:  Gender Equality awareness-raising video project

·      How would we gage if we have really helped to raise awareness, helped  enlighten people and assisted more gender equality in our community and the world?

This is an interesting TED talk on gender equality and how men are discriminated against:

This video was made by a group of private school boys about their effort to increase gender equality:

The video link below is for a French video that reverses gender roles.  It has some strong language and graphic content, but is good food for thought.

ACTION #3:  Person-to-Person care/pack distribution

·      Consider WHEN the best time to do this might be; when are homeless people most vulnerable, most forgotten?
·      Consider WHAT organizations/companies might help us do this, with donations of backpacks, materials, items etc.
·      Consider HOW this really could really make a lasting impact and not just be a ‘band-aid’ that makes US feel good.

The following links will help us develop our ideas of how to carry this out.

Other suggestions that were high on the list:
·      evening event w/ film/slide presentation/meal as social justice fundraiser (We will do this before we do the trip to Nepal)
·      Letter-writing campaigns- beginning NOW – SEE HOMEWORK  below!
·      Northern First Nations solidarity action – needs more research
·      Volun-tour to build a sister school - needs more research

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